To look beyond, together.

Democratization of Deep Space Communication
Solar and carbothermal reactor in artificial photosynthesis on the Moon
Advanced Comms Agent Switcher for Lunar Base Camps

Interactive Crater Exploration Rover
Medical Assistance Rover in Autonomous Networks
in Milan, Italy
WE ARE WINNERS of the AIDAA (Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica) Student Challenge for the International Aeronautical Congress (IAC 2024)

You can be part of this great leap to inspire
the next generation

We are university students who pool our experiences to create original projects in the aerospace field.
Our projects are astromech designs that can improve the different possible solutions that will be necessary in future space missions.
Our motto is the inspiration behind every project we take on:
On Way Forward.
Keep reading and discover the amazing people who make Wonder Mercury what it is.

For the first time, Costa Rica is making history in 2023 by registering and completing its preliminary stages in the ERC.
The only Latin American country registered in 2024 and preparing for an international event in 2025.
Competition Zone
European Rover Challenge 2023-2025
An experience that enriches our knowledge
We are very proud of this project, in which we focus on carrying out tasks in the most professional, simple and efficient way. The European Rover Challenge competition turns ten years old in 2024 and we are pleased to be on the same page in the search for excellence in a design that will improve the user experience of an astromech that faces the future challenges of space missions.
Our goal is a collaborative process, to develop and showcase a product that exceeds our own expectations.

We always exceed expectations
SÍWÖ Rover, from Native American language brí-brí, means Moon, and is the name of our joint project, designed from scratch for participation in university astromech challenges.
SÍWÖ Rover It is the one that is preparing for its participation in the ERC 2025.
SÍWÖ Rover is designed to meet planetary exploration tasks and challenges on Mars and the Moon, similar to those faced by a real rover.
Designed to meet probe search skills and the best collection techniques and equipment precision, through a robotic arm in the most efficient way possible, as well as maintenance tasks in the handling of components, selection of switches, connections and measurement of parameters, as well as the ability to meet scientific challenges, exploration and sample collection autonomously.
Learn more about us (in Spanish)
La mayoría de nuestros integrantes son veteranos del programa y fraternidad Descubre Robótica, uno de nuestros patrocinadores.
Nuestros líderes son miembros de la junta directiva de la fraternidad, y desde años atras están a cargo de proyectos de exploración espacial con entrenamiento directo desde el Centro de Investigaciones Ames de la NASA. Tenemos records nacionales de repetir premios y titulos nacionales absolutos en Expo Ingeniería, en retos universitarios de campaña internacional como el RobotiFest, y latinoamericanos como la Feria Latinoamericana de Tecnología Innovación y Emprendimiento (MonBiAp: Monitor de Bioseguridad para la Apicultura) y Solve for Tomorrow de Samsung (Hidrovoltaje: Soluciones para la obtención de hidrógeno verde a partir de cultivos de microalgas).
Recientemente, dos de nuestro miembros obtuvieron el título global en inteligencia artificial con el Intel AI Global Impact Festival 2023.
En conjunto, nos hemos especializado en modelado 3D de estructuras y componentes, desarrolladores de la plataforma de pruebas para CubeSat (simulador de paneles solares, modelo matemático, ángulo de incidencia, todo en un sistema embebido) y de propulsores de los mismo con la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA). Además, nuestro líder, Facundo Mendoza, estuvo relacionado al proyecto PromoMooon Initiative y IAC 2022 (París, Francia) con el proyecto Biodomo (Tecnología de producción de alimentos para astronautas en la Luna).
Adicionalmente, muchos de nosotros hemos sido expositores en el I Congreso Espacial Centroamericano 2023 con el proyecto ACAS-Net (Advanced Comms Agent Switcher para Campamento Base Lunar vía Luna Net), el AEMTAVI (Arquitectura espacial multilingüe para traducción automática de vídeos e imágenes) y la exposición de nuestro segundo rover, el ICER ( Interactive Crater Exploration Rover)
Learn more about us (in English)
Most of our members are veterans of the program and fraternity "Discover Robotics," one of our sponsors.
Our leaders are members of the fraternity's board of directors, and for years, they have been in charge of space exploration projects with direct training from NASA's Ames Research Center. We hold national records for repeatedly winning awards and absolute national titles at Expo Ingeniería, in international university challenges such as RobotiFest, and Latin American ones like the Feria Latinoamericana de Tecnología Innovación y Emprendimiento (MonBiAp: Biosecurity Monitor for Beekeeping) and Samsung's Solve for Tomorrow (Hidrovoltaje: Solutions for Obtaining Green Hydrogen from Microalgae Cultures).
Recently, two of our members obtained the global title in artificial intelligence at the Intel AI Global Impact Festival 2023.
Together, we have specialized in 3D modeling of structures and components, developing the testing platform for CubeSat (solar panel simulator, mathematical model, incidence angle, all in an embedded system) and their thrusters with the European Space Agency (ESA). Additionally, our leader, Facundo Mendoza, was involved in the PromoMoon Initiative and IAC 2022 (Paris, France) with the Biodome project (Food production technology for astronauts on the Moon).
Furthermore, many of us have been presenters at the I Central American Space Congress 2023 with the ACAS-Net project (Advanced Comms Agent Switcher for Lunar Base Camp via Luna Net), AEMTAVI (Multilingual Space Architecture for Automatic Translation of Videos and Images), and the presentation of our second rover, ICER (Interactive Crater Exploration Rover).
Learn more about us (em Português)
A maioria dos nossos integrantes são veteranos do programa e fraternidade Descubra Robótica, um dos nossos patrocinadores.
Nossos líderes são membros da diretoria da fraternidade e, há anos, estão encarregados de projetos de exploração espacial com treinamento direto do Centro de Pesquisas Ames da NASA. Temos recordes nacionais de repetição de prêmios e títulos nacionais absolutos na Expo Engenharia, em desafios universitários de campanha internacional como o RobotiFest, e latino-americanos como a Feira Latino-Americana de Tecnologia, Inovação e Empreendedorismo (MonBiAp: Monitor de Biossegurança para a Apicultura) e o Solve for Tomorrow da Samsung (Hidrovoltaje: Soluções para a obtenção de hidrogênio verde a partir de cultivos de microalgas).
Recentemente, dois dos nossos membros obtiveram o título global em inteligência artificial no Intel AI Global Impact Festival 2023.
Em conjunto, nos especializamos em modelagem 3D de estruturas e componentes, desenvolvedores da plataforma de testes para CubeSat (simulador de painéis solares, modelo matemático, ângulo de incidência, tudo em um sistema embarcado) e de propulsores dos mesmos com a Agência Espacial Europeia (ESA). Além disso, nosso líder, Facundo Mendoza, esteve relacionado ao projeto PromoMoon Initiative e IAC 2022 (Paris, França) com o projeto Biodome (Tecnologia de produção de alimentos para astronautas na Lua).
Adicionalmente, muitos de nós fomos expositores no I Congresso Espacial Centro-Americano 2023 com o projeto ACAS-Net (Advanced Comms Agent Switcher para o Acampamento Base Lunar via Luna Net), o AEMTAVI (Arquitetura espacial multilíngue para tradução automática de vídeos e imagens) e a exposição do nosso segundo rover, o ICER (Interactive Crater Exploration Rover).
Other Projects
Engineering, Design and Construction of Astromechs

Comming soon!
Comming soon!
Comming soon!