We are a group of young students who seek to create paths and open opportunities individually as professionals and as a team, leaving the mark of our efforts and capabilities together, being an example for new generations in the STEAM area, breaking barriers and promoting them to take on new experiences.
In order to achieve our goals and represent our country in international competitions, your financial support is of great importance to go far, as well as your social support by following our networks and sharing our projects, allowing us to visualize ourselves and reach more people.
It's your opportunity to share your story with us. Click on the amounts you wish to contribute.
Our sponsors have supported us, however we need operating expenses for our participation in international competitions.
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Tu aporte nos permitirá crear el escenario ideal para nuestro aprendizaje y trabajo, colocando a Centroamérica en el mapa de los diseñadores astromecánicos para el campo aeroespacial.Nuestros integrantes son estudiantes universitarios con trayectorias de desafíos Nacionales, Latinoamericanos y Globales en los primeros lugares.
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